ICEC Center Leadership

Professor Gyoo Gun Lim is currently a Professor of MIS at School of Business, Hanyang University. He received his Ph.D. in Management Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2001.Before joining the Hanyang faculty, he was an associate professor of Business School of Sejong University and a researcher in Samsung Electronics, KT, and International Center for Electronic Commerce. He received an award from Korea Ministry of Information and Communication for his contribution to Korea SW industry in 2007 and an award from Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy for his contribution to Korea IT innovation in 2009.
He is the chairman of the Korea Society of IT Service. He also successfully performed several projects such as 1st Asia commercial Internet service, KORNET, China Shanghai Telecom SI strategy, KTI business strategy, Korea G2B e-government evaluation, Korea G4C performance analysis, Korea Information Security Index, Korea Military Informatization Index, IT innovation personnel fostering plan, National Digital Contents Identification plan, Copyright certification policy, Korea film infrastructure utilization plan, Korea SW business registration policy, Korea SW experts registration policy, and etc. His current research interests include innovative business models, IT service, intelligent information system & service, Bright Internet, e-business, and etc. He wrote several books such as “e-Business Management”, “Management Information Systems”, and etc. and his articles have been published in several journals including Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Information & Management, and Information Systems Reviews.
Foundary and Honorary Chair

Jae Kyu Lee, Ph.D., is the Professor Emeritus of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He is also a Fellow Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University. He is the Director of Bright Internet Research Center at KAIST. He was the HHI Chair Professor in the College of Business at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He served for the President (2015-5) and Fellow of Association for Information Systems, the global organization of 4,000 Information System researchers.
He was the founding editor-in-chief of the journal, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (Elsevier, SSCI and SCIE Accredited), and was the founding chair of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce. He was the president of academic societies such as Korea Society of Management Information Systems and Korea Society of Intelligent Information Systems. He published numerous papers in the areas of information systems, AI applications, electronic commerce, and received the best paper awards 13 times.