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BI workshop

1. Bright Internet and Bright AI Workshop 

The workshop of ICEC2024 on the topic of “Bright Internet and Bright AI (BIBAI)” will be held during ICEC2024 in May 29th- 30th at Seoul, Korea. The workshop will be held in cooperation the Special Track of ICEC2024 and Special Issue of Decision Support Systems (DSS) on this subject.


The Call for Papers of Special Issue of DSS on the subject of “Empowing Bright internet and Bright AI” is posted at

The same CFP is also posted at the Special Issue sites of DSS in ScienceDirect and will be posted in the context of Bright Internet  Global Symposiums at


The Special Academic Track of “Bright Internet and Bright AI” in ICEC2024 will collaborate with the special issue of Decision Support Systems. The paper sessions of this track will be organized with the Invited Speakers of Industry Experts and Policy Makers, and Panel of Reserch Theme Discussion making a workshop together. The Workshop Chairs are Zoonky Lee (Yonsei University), Gyoo Gun Lim (Hanyang University), and  Jae Kyu Lee (Xi’an Jiaotong University and KAIST). The Workshop Program Chairs are Dan J. Kim (University of North Texas), Shan Liu (Xi’an Jiaotong University), and Daegon Cho (KAIST).


Let me explain the necessary information for the authors who want to submit papers to ICEC2024 and Special Issue of DSS.


1. Waived Copyright of ICEC2024 Papers

All submitted papers to ICEC2024 Conference including this Special Track will be blindly reviewed to consider their acceptance to present at ICEC2024 paper sessions, nomination for the best paper awards, and possible recommendation to submit to the DSS Special Issue (but the recommendation does not guarantee the acceptance in advance).

ICEC will not publish its own conference proceedings so that authors can keep the full copyright of submitting their manuscripts to journals without any conflict with the copyright of conference proceedings.

The extended abstract of work-in-progress are also welcome to submit, but it cannot be considered for the nomination of best paper awards. The authors of extended abstracts are suggested to make full papers by the conference presentation date and submission due date of the DSS Special Issue.


2. Virtuous Cycle of ICEC2024 Presentation and DSS SI Paper Submission

In order to present your paper in ICEC2024, and improve it to be submittable to DSS SI, please take the following procedure.

 1) Authors should submit their papers for ICEC2024 by the due date of Febuary 28, 2024.

 2) Authors will get the reviewers’ report, and can improve the manuscript  according to the reviewers’ comments by the date of presentation at  ICEC2024 in May 29-30th. But authors are not required to resubmit the revised versions to ICEC2024.

3) Registration of ICEC2024 will cover the attendance of Special Track and Workshop on the Bright Internet and Bright AI.

4) Presented authors are encouraged to submit their imporved version to the Special Issue of DSS by the due date of July 31, 2024. The submitted papers to DSS will be blindly reviewed again by the Fast Track of Guest Editorial Board of Special Issue.


3. Page Length of ICEC2024 Papers

1) The papers submitting to ICEC2024 need to follow the Submission Guide in

2) Maximum number of pages of full paper is single-spaced 8 pages.

3) Maximun number of pages of Extended Abstract is single-space 3 pages.

4) The format of DSS papers are described in the CFP of special issue


4. Due Dates and Submisison System of Special Track of ICEC2024

1) The due date of paper submission for the Track of Bright Internet and Bright AI is the same as the due date of ICEC regular paper: February 28, 2024 as posted at

2) Submision system of special track is the same as ICEC paper submission at

3) But the due date of Special Issue of DSS is July 31, 2024. The submission to DSS SI can start from January 1, 2024 regardless you have presented at ICEC2024 or not.

4) Note that your paper submitted ICEC2024 will not be automatically transferred to the submission of DSS SI.

So the authors which wish to publish their papers in the DSS Special Issue should submit  through


5. Topics of ICEC2024 Special Track and DSS Special Issue

The background of special issue is described in the CFP of DSS Special Issue of ‘Bright Internet and Bright AI’ at

The workshop information about the previous Bright Internet Global Symposiums are organized at the portal of Bright Internet at


Potential Topics for both Special Track of ICEC2024 and DSS Special Issue

In this special issue, we are interested in novel and thought-provoking contributions about Bright Internet and Bright AI across all levels and domains. We welcome a wide spectrum of research on related issues without any constraints in terms of theory, method, or context. Potential topics of interest for this special issue include the following areas in general, but not limited to:

  • AI and its impact on Bright Internet in general

  • AI and ethical implications for Bright Internet

  • AI governance for Bright Internet

  • Fostering collaboration with AI for Bright Internet

  • AI security challenges faced by individuals, organizations, communities, and/or countries and strategies to address them

  • Privacy and data breaches relevant to the usage of AI systems for Bright Internet

  • Novel preventive security mechanisms using AI for deterring cyber threat

  • Transparency and explainability in AI systems for Bright Internet

  • Bias and fairness considerations in AI systems for Bright Internet

  • Trust and accountability mechanisms for AI systems for Bright Internet

  • Building a trustful society based on the trustful email-based ID

  • Organizational Bright Origin as Social Responsibility

  • Effect of outbound spam mail management

  • Balancing privacy with cybersecurity and self-defense right

  • Framework of Origin Responsibility of AI

  • Balancing the Identifiability and Anonymity of AI

  • Applications of Bright Internet in e-Commerce Platform

  • Applications of Bright Internet in Social Networks

  • Regulation and market-driven models of Bright Internet deployment

  • Stakeholders of Bright Internet and Business Models

  • Generative AI: Framework of intellectual property right and ownership

  • Addressing discrimination and the dark side of AI

  • Social and ethical governance of virtual digital human for Bright Internet

  • Digital responsibility of AI systems for Bright Internet

  • Ethical AI in Bright Internet Ecosystem

  • AI and digital inclusion

6. Contact

1) Special Issue Guest Editors

  Daegon Cho (, College of Business, KAIST, Korea, Coordinating Editor

  Shan Liu (, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

  Dan J. Kim (, University of North Texas, USA

2) Special Issue Guest Advisory Editor

  Jae Kyu Lee (, Xi’an Jiaotong University and College of Business, KAIST

7. Illustrative References (Purely for your own information)

Benjamin, V., Valacich, J. S., & Chen, H. (2019). DICE-E: A framework for conducting Darknet identification, collection, evaluation with ethics. MIS Quarterly, 43(1), 1–22.

Bera, D., Ogbanufe, O., & Kim, D. L. (2023). Towards a thematic dimensional framework of online fraud: An exploration of fraudulent email attack tactics and intentions. Decision Support Systems, 171, 113977.

Bose, I., & Leung, A. C. M. (2019). Adoption of identity theft countermeasures and its short- And long-term impact on firm value. MIS Quarterly, 43(1), 313–327.

Chau, M., Li, T. M. H., Wong, P. W. C., Xu, J. J., Yip, P. S. F., & Chen, H. (2020). Finding people with emotional distress in online social media: A design combining machine learning and rule-based classification. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 933–956.

Danaher, B., Hersh, J., Smith, M. D., & Telang, R. (2020). The effect of piracy website blocking on consumer behavior. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 631–659.

Dennis, A. R., Moravec, P. L., & Kim, A. (2023). Search & Verify: Misinformation and source evaluations in Internet search results. Decision Support Systems, 171, 113976.

De Cremer, D. (2020). What does building a fair AI really entail. Harvard Business Review.

Ju, J., Cho, D., Lee, J. K., & Ahn, J. H. (2021). Can it clean up your inbox? Evidence from South Korean anti-spam legislation. Production and Operations Management, 30(8), 2636–2652.

Lee, J. K. (2015). Guest editorial: Research framework for AIS grand vision of the Bright ICT initiative. MIS quarterly, 39(2), iii-xii.

Lee, J. K. (2016). Reflections on ICT-enabled bright society research. Information Systems Research, 27(1), 1–5.

Lee, J. K., Chang, Y., Kwon, H. Y., & Kim, B. (2020). Reconciliation of privacy with preventive cybersecurity: The Bright Internet approach. Information Systems Frontiers, 22(1), 45–57.

Lee, J. K., Cho, D., & Lim, G. G. (2018). Design and validation of the bright internet. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(2), 63–85.

Lee, J. K., Park, J., Gregor, S., & Yoon, V. (2021). Axiomatic theories and improving the relevance of information systems research. Information Systems Research, 32(1), 147–171.

Mikalef, P., Conboy, K., Lundström, J. E., & Popovič, A. (2022). Thinking responsibly about responsible AI and ‘the dark side’ of AI. European Journal of Information Systems, 31(3), 257-268.

Samtani, S., Chai, Y., & Chen, H. (2022). Linking exploits from the Dark Web to known vulnerabilities for proactive cyber threat intelligence: An attention-based deep structured semantic model. MIS Quarterly, 46(2), 911–946.

Shin, Y. Y., Lee, J. K., & Kim, M. (2018). Preventing state-led cyberattacks using the bright internet and internet peace principles. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(3), 152–181.

Wei, X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, M., Chen, W., & Zeng, D. D. (2022). Combining crowd and machine intelligence to detect false news on social media. MIS Quarterly, 46(2), 977–1008.

Xu, J., Chen, D., Chau, M., Li, L., & Zheng, H. (2022). Peer-to-peer loan fraud detection: Constructing features from transaction data. MIS Quarterly, 45(3), 1777–1792.

2. AI-Powered E-Commerce and Information Management Workshop

The workshop on “AI-powered E-commerce and information management” is scheduled to take place during ICEC2024 from May 29th to 31st in Seoul, Korea. This workshop is organized in collaboration with the Special Track of ICEC2024 and Special Issue of Data Science and Management (DSM) dedicated to the theme of AI-driven E-commerce and information management.


The Call for Papers for the Special Issue of DSM on “AI-powered E-Commerce and Information Management” can be accessed at

Additionally, the same Call for Papers is available on the Special Issue platform of DSM at KeAi, accessible via


The Special Academic Track on “AI-powered E-Commerce and Information Management” at ICEC2024 will collaborate with the special issue of DSM. In addition to authors presenting their individual research, we invite DSM editorial board members, as well as youth editorial board members, to participate in theme discussions on future research directions.


We specify the essential details for authors intending to submit papers to ICEC2024 and the Special Issue of DSM as follows:


1. Copyright Statement of ICEC2024 Papers

All papers submitted to the ICEC2024 Conference, including those submitted to this Special Track, will undergo a blind review process to determine their acceptance for presentation at ICEC2024 paper sessions, consideration for the Best Paper Awards, and potential recommendation for submission to the DSM Special Issue. However, it should be noted that the recommendation does not guarantee acceptance in advance.

ICEC will not publish its conference proceedings, allowing authors to retain full copyright of their manuscripts. This policy ensures that authors can submit their work to journals without encountering any conflicts related to the conference proceedings’ copyright.

Extended abstract of work-in-progress are welcome for submission, but they will not be considered for nomination for the Best Paper Awards. Authors of extended abstracts are encouraged to develop full papers by the conference presentation date and the submission deadline for the DSM Special Issue.


2. Specific Process for ICEC2024 Presentation and DSM SI Paper Submission

To present your paper at ICEC2024 and enhance its suitability for submission to the DSM Special Issue, please follow the procedure outlined below.

1) Authors are required to submit their papers for ICEC2024 by the deadline of February 28, 2024.

2) Upon receiving the reviewers’ reports, authors have the opportunity to enhance their manuscripts based on the comments before the presentation at ICEC2024 on May 29-31. However, authors are not obligated to resubmit the revised versions to ICEC2024.

3) Registration for ICEC2024 will include attendance at the Special Track and Workshop on AI-powered E-commerce and information management.

4) Presented authors are strongly encouraged to submit their improved versions to the Special Issue of DSM by the deadline of July 31, 2024. The papers submitted to DSM will undergo blind review by the Fast Track of the Guest Editorial Board of the Special Issue.


3. Guidelines for Formatting of ICEC2024 Papers

1) The papers submitted to ICEC2024 must adhere to the Submission Guide available at

2) The maximum length for a full paper is 8 single-spaced pages.

3) Extended abstracts should not exceed 3 single-spaced pages.

4) The format requirements for DSM papers are detailed in the Call for Papers for the Special Issue, which can be found at


4. Deadline for Submission of Special Track of ICEC2024

1) The deadline for paper submissions to the Track of AI-powered E-commerce and Information Management aligns with the regular ICEC paper submission deadline: February 28, 2024 as indicated at

2) The submission system for the special track is the same as the ICEC paper submission process, accessible at

3) The deadline for the Special Issue of DSM is July 31, 2024. However, authors can initiate submissions to DSM SI from January 1, 2024, regardless of whether you have presented at ICEC2024 or not.

4) It is essential to note that papers submitted to ICEC2024 will not be automatically transferred to DSM SI submission. Authors wishing to publish their papers in the DSM Special Issue should submit through


5. Topics of ICEC2024 Special Track and DSM Special Issue

The background of the special issue is described in the CFP of DSM Special Issue of ‘AI-powered E-commerce and information management’ at


Potential Topics for both Special Track of ICEC2024 and DSM Special Issue

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been deeply integrated with customer service and supply chain optimization, reshaping e-commerce with great changes. Based on its powerful analysis competence and excellent learning ability, AI presents opportunities to gain useful insights from big data, promote information management, and perform several tasks autonomously that were previously performed by humans. For example, AI-powered recommendation systems and chatbots can help to provide precise, convenient, and personalized customer services, thus improving customers’ experience and employees’ work efficiencies. Although increasing research focusing on AI-powered E-Commerce has explored the impact of AI on the behavior of customers and employees, the emerging Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) such as ChatGPT is calling into question our existing assumptions due to the tendency to transform from weak AI to strong AI.


Given the ubiquitous use of AI in e-commerce today, there are many fascinating phenomena and research questions that are understudied. For example, the horrendously accurate recommendation algorithms may bring information cocoon problems, limiting customers from obtaining diverse information. It may also give customers a sense of being monitored, raising privacy concerns. For employees, AI increasingly threatens their work processes and even replaces their jobs. These phenomena highlight the significant negative or detrimental consequences of AI to customers, employees, and organizations that are worthy of further research attention. Therefore, in the context of AI-powered e-commerce, we call for a need to understand the role of AI’s characteristics like autonomy, investigate the resources and mechanisms of the ethics issues like privacy, and explore how better human-AI interactions and information management can be achieved by interaction designs. Potential topics of interest for this special issue include the following areas in general, but not limited to:

  • AI-powered information management, analysis, and optimization

  • Customer behaviors and experience in AI-powered e-commerce

  • Employee behaviors and performance in human-AI collaboration

  • Organization strategies and business model innovations in AI-powered e-commerce

  • Design for human-AI interaction

  • Explainability, robustness, responsible AI in e-commerce

  • Algorithmic bias and fairness issues

  • Information cocoons and elimination

  • Ethics issues (e.g., trust, privacy, and accountability) and governance

  • The impact of GAI in e-commerce

  • Emerging e-commerce and information management issues in the age of AI

  • AI and platform economy

  • The social and regulations issues related to AI

  • Intelligent applications in industries (e.g., healthcare, e-commerce, and manufacturing)


6. Contact of DSM Special Issue

1) Special Issue Guest Editors


7. Illustrative References

Ameen, N., Tarhini, A., Reppel, A., & Anand, A. (2021). Customer experiences in the age of artificial intelligence. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106548.

Hoyer, W. D., Kroschke, M., Schmitt, B., Kraume, K., & Shankar, V. (2020). Transforming the Customer Experience Through New Technologies. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 51, 57–71.

Mirbabaie, M., Brünker, F., Möllmann (Frick), N. R. J., & Stieglitz, S. (2021). The rise of artificial intelligence – understanding the AI identity threat at the workplace. Electronic Markets.

Nechushtai, E., & Lewis, S. C. (2019). What kind of news gatekeepers do we want machines to be? Filter bubbles, fragmentation, and the normative dimensions of algorithmic recommendations. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 298–307.

Paul, J., Ueno, A., & Dennis, C. (2023). ChatGPT and consumers: Benefits, Pitfalls and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(4), 1213–1225.

Ai-Powered workshop

International Center for Electronic Commerce

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Jae Ik, Ahn

© 2024 by ICEC, International Center for Electronic Commerce

International Center for Electronic Commerce

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Jae Ik, Ahn

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