About ICEC

ICEC (International Center for Electronic Commerce) was founded in 1996 by Prof. Jae Kyu Lee (KAIST: Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), the President (2015-2016) of Association for Information Systems. The center played an important role of creating the International Conference on Electronic Commerce, which was initiated in 1998 and have continued to be held annually.
ICEC also contributed to launch the academic journal ECRA (Electronic Commerce: Research & Applications), which is now a top-tier academic journal cited by SSCI (Social Science Citation Index).
Besides the academic activities, ICEC has the tradition to create and share practical knowledge on electronic commerce by collaborating with companies and governments. Especially, ICEC contributed to develop e-commerce technologies, i.e. merchant systems, electronic payment, and certificate authority systems, in the early stage of e-Commerce.